Patrick Gray (patrick.c.gray at duke) -

Chapter 5: Classification of Land Cover


In this chapter we will classify the Sentinel-2 image we've been working with using a supervised classification approach which incorporates the training data we worked with in chapter 4. Specifically, we will be using Naive Bayes. Naive Bayes predicts the probabilities that a data point belongs to a particular class and the class with the highest probability is considered as the most likely class. The way they get these probabilities is by using Bayes’ Theorem, which describes the probability of a feature, based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to that feature. Naive Bayes is quite fast when compared to some other machine learning approaches (e.g., SVM can be quite computationally intensive). This isn't to say that it is the best per se; rather it is a great first step into the world of machine learning for classification and regression.


In this chapter we will be using the Naive Bayes implementation provided by the scikit-learn library. scikit-learn is an amazing machine learning library that provides easy and consistent interfaces to many of the most popular machine learning algorithms. It is built on top of the pre-existing scientific Python libraries, including numpy, scipy, and matplotlib, which makes it very easy to incorporate into your workflow. The number of available methods for accomplishing any task contained within the library is (in my opinion) its real strength. No single algorithm is best for all tasks under all circumstances, and scikit-learn helps you understand this by abstracting the details of each algorithm to simple consistent interfaces. For example:

An Iris

This figure shows the classification predictions and the decision surfaces produced for three classification problems using 9 different classifiers. What is even more impressive is that all of this took only about 110 lines of code, including comments!

Preparing the dataset

Opening the images

Our first step is to recall our previous chapter's lessons and import the things we'll need:

Now we need to collect all the Sentinal-2 bands because they come as individual images one per band.

Now we need a rasterio dataset object containing all bands in order to use the mask() function and extract pixel values using geospatial polygons.

We'll do this by creating a new raster dataset and saving it for future uses.

Okay we've successfully written it out now let's open it back up and make sure it meets our expectations:

Let's clip the image and take a look where we know the training data was from the last lesson (on the NC Rachel Carson Reserve) just to make sure it looks normal:

Okay looks good! Our raster dataset is ready!

Now our goal is to get the pixels from the raster as outlined in each shapefile.

Our training data, the shapefile we've worked with, contains one main field we care about:

Combined with the innate location information of polygons in a Shapefile, we have all that we need to use for pairing labels with the information in our raster.

However, in order to pair up our vector data with our raster pixels, we will need a way of co-aligning the datasets in space.

We'll do this using the rasterio mask function which takes in a dataset and a polygon and then outputs a numpy array with the pixels in the polygon.

Let's run through an example:

Open up our shapefile and check its crs

Remember the projections don't match! Let's use some geopandas magic to reproject all our shapefiles to lat, long.

Now we want to extract the geometry of each feature in the shapefile in GeoJSON format:

Now let's extract the raster values values within the polygon using the rasterio mask() function

Okay those looks like the right dimensions for our training data. 8 bands and 6x8 pixels seems reasonable given our earlier explorations.

We'll be doing a lot of memory intensive work so let's clean up and close this dataset.

Building the Training Data for scikit-learn

Now let's do it for all features in the shapefile and create an array X that has all the pixels and an array y that has all the training labels.

Pairing Y with X

Now that we have the image we want to classify (our X feature inputs), and the land cover labels (our y labeled data), let's check to make sure they match in size so we can feed them to Naive Bayes:

It all looks good! Let's explore the spectral signatures of each class now to make sure they're actually separable since all we're going by in this classification is pixel values.

They look okay but emergent wetland and water look quite similar! They're going to be difficult to differentiate.

Let's make a quick helper function, this one will convert the class labels into indicies and then assign a dictionary relating the class indices and their names.

Training the Classifier

Now that we have our X matrix of feature inputs (the spectral bands) and our y array (the labels), we can train our model.

Visit this web page to find the usage of GaussianNaiveBayes Classifier from scikit-learn.

It is that simple to train a classifier in scikit-learn! The hard part is often validation and interpretation.

Predicting on the image

With our Naive Bayes classifier fit, we can now proceed by trying to classify the entire image:

We're only going to open the subset of the image we viewed above because otherwise it is computationally too intensive for most users.

Now we can predict for each pixel in our image:

Because our shapefile came with the labels as strings we want to convert them to a numpy array with ints using the helper function we made earlier.

Let's visualize it!

First we'll make a colormap so we can visualize the classes, which are just encoded as integers, in more logical colors. Don't worry too much if this code is confusing! It can be a little clunky to specify colormaps for matplotlib.

Now show the classified map next to the RGB image!

This looks pretty good!

Let's generate a map of Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and NDVI just to compare with out output map.

NDWI is similar to NDVI but for identifying water.

Subset them to our area of interest:

Display all four maps:

Looks pretty good! Areas that are high on the NDWI ratio are generally classified as water and areas high on NDVI are forest and herbaceous. It does seem like the wetland areas (e.g. the bottom right island complex) aren't being picked up so it might be worth experimenting with other algorithms!

Let's take a closer look at the Duke Marine Lab and the tip of the Rachel Carson Reserve.

This actually doesn't look half bad! Land cover mapping is a complex problem and one where there are many approaches and tools for improving a map.

Testing an Unsupervised Classification Algorithm

Let's also try a unsupervised classification algorithm, k-means clustering, in the scikit-learn library (documentation)

K-means (wikipedia page) aims to partition n observations into k clusters in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of the cluster.

Wow this looks like it was better able to distinguish some areas like the wetland and submerged sand than our supervised classification approach! But supervised usually does better with some tuning, luckily there are lots of ways to think about improving our supervised method.


We've seen how we can use scikit-learn to implement the Naive Bayes classifier for land cover classification. A couple future directions that immediately follow this tutorial include:

Quantative Accuracy Assessments!

We examined our maps for qualitative accuracy but we'll need to perform a proper accuracy assessment based on a probability sample to conclude anything about the accuracy of the entire area. With the information from the accuracy assessment, we will be able not only to tell how good the map is, but more importantly we will be able to come up with statistically defensible unbiased estimates with confidence intervals of the land cover class areas in the map. For more information, see Olofsson, et. al., 2013.

In the next chapter (link to webpage or Notebook) we'll explore how we can classify land cover on a larger scale and more accurately with deep neural networks. We'll also use some more quantative accuracy assessment methods.