Patrick Gray (patrick.c.gray at duke) -

Chapter 6: Using Neural Networks for Classification and Land Cover Mapping

Deep learning may be equal parts overhyped and underutilized (, but is undoubtedly a powerful set of tools for analyzing huge reams of data. Applications are growing rapidly in remote sensing ( and in particular it is permitting new and exciting applications in areas like anomaly detection (, image classification (, and biophysical variable regression ( Here we present a simple example of landcover classification using Landsat 8, the National Landcover Dataset as training data, and a simple convolutional neural network.


  • create utility functions
  • import data
  • import training data
  • explore the data
  • run some baseline classifications with k-nearest neighbors and random forest
  • build a simple CNN
  • evaluate the model

Before diving into this please note that it can take much more significant computing resources to (e.g. a decent GPU) to run this code in a reasonable time. Luckily you can simply run this in Google's Colab environment here:

Let's start!

In [1]:
# If running this in CoLab this will be necessary to set up your VM correctly
# ! pip install geopandas rasterio matplotlib descartes scikit-learn

Create all the Utility Functions We'll Need:

First we'll create a random pixel generator for training and validation

In [2]:
import random
import math
import itertools

from rasterio.plot import adjust_band
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from rasterio.plot import reshape_as_raster, reshape_as_image
from rasterio.plot import show
from import Window
import rasterio.features
import rasterio.warp
import rasterio.mask

from pyproj import Proj, transform
from tqdm import tqdm
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

def gen_balanced_pixel_locations(image_datasets, train_count, label_dataset, merge=False):
    ### this function pulls out a train_count + val_count number of random pixels from a list of raster datasets
    ### and returns a list of training pixel locations and image indices 
    ### and a list of validation pixel locations and indices
    label_proj = Proj(    
    train_pixels = []
    train_count_per_dataset = math.ceil(train_count / len(image_datasets))
    for index, image_dataset in enumerate(tqdm(image_datasets)):
        # how many points from each class
        points_per_class = train_count_per_dataset // len(np.unique(merge_classes(labels_image)))
        # get landsat boundaries in this image
        # create approx dataset mask in geographic coords
        # this fcn maps pixel locations in (row, col) coordinates to (x, y) spatial positions
        raster_points = image_dataset.transform * (0, 0), image_dataset.transform * (image_dataset.width, 0), image_dataset.transform * (image_dataset.width, image_dataset.height), image_dataset.transform * (0, image_dataset.height)
        l8_proj = Proj(
        new_raster_points = []
        # convert the raster bounds from landsat into label crs
        for x,y in raster_points:
            x,y = transform(l8_proj,label_proj,x,y)
            # convert from crs into row, col in label image coords
            row, col = label_dataset.index(x, y)
            # don't forget row, col is actually y, x so need to swap it when we append
            new_raster_points.append((col, row))
        # turn this into a polygon
        raster_poly = Polygon(new_raster_points)
        # Window.from_slices((row_start, row_stop), (col_start, col_stop))
        masked_label_image =[1]), int(raster_poly.bounds[3])), (int(raster_poly.bounds[0]), int(raster_poly.bounds[2]))))
        if merge:
            masked_label_image = merge_classes(masked_label_image)
        # loop for each class
        all_points_per_image = []
        for cls in np.unique(merge_classes(labels_image)):
            cls = int(cls)
            # mask the label subset image to each class
            # pull out the indicies where the mask is true
            rows,cols = np.where(masked_label_image[0] == cls)
            all_locations = list(zip(rows,cols))
            # shuffle all locations
            # now convert to landsat image crs
            # TODO need to time this to see if it is slow, can probably optimize
            l8_points = []
            # TODO Will probably need to catch this for classes smaller than the ideal points per class
            if len(all_locations)!=0:
                for r,c in all_locations[:points_per_class]:
                # convert label row and col into label geographic space
                    x,y = label_dataset.xy(r+raster_poly.bounds[1],c+raster_poly.bounds[0])
                # go from label projection into landsat projection
                    x,y = transform(label_proj, l8_proj,x,y)
                # convert from landsat geographic space into row col
                    r,c = image_dataset.index(x,y)
                all_points_per_image += l8_points

        dataset_index_list = [index] * len(all_points_per_image)

        dataset_pixels = list(zip(all_points_per_image, dataset_index_list))
        train_pixels += dataset_pixels
    return (train_pixels)

Next a tile generator to take those pixel locations and build tiles of the right format.

This generator is handed directly to the keras model and continually feeds data to the model during training and validation.

In [3]:
def tile_generator(l8_image_datasets, label_dataset, tile_height, tile_width, pixel_locations, batch_size, merge=False):
    ### this is a keras compatible data generator which generates data and labels on the fly 
    ### from a set of pixel locations, a list of image datasets, and a label dataset

    c = r = 0
    i = 0
    label_proj = Proj(

    # assuming all images have the same num of bands
    l8_band_count = l8_image_datasets[0].count  
    band_count = l8_band_count
    class_count = len(class_names)
    buffer = math.ceil(tile_height / 2)
    while True:
        image_batch = np.zeros((batch_size, tile_height, tile_width, band_count-1)) # take one off because we don't want the QA band
        label_batch = np.zeros((batch_size,class_count))
        b = 0
        while b < batch_size:
            # if we're at the end  of the data just restart
            if i >= len(pixel_locations):
            r, c = pixel_locations[i][0]
            dataset_index = pixel_locations[i][1]
            i += 1
            tile = l8_image_datasets[dataset_index].read(list(np.arange(1, l8_band_count+1)), window=Window(c-buffer, r-buffer, tile_width, tile_height))
            if tile.size == 0:
            elif np.amax(tile) == 0: # don't include if it is part of the image with no pixels
            elif np.isnan(tile).any() == True or -9999 in tile: 
                # we don't want tiles containing nan or -999 this comes from edges
                # this also takes a while and is inefficient
            elif tile.shape != (l8_band_count, tile_width, tile_height):
                #print('wrong shape')
                # somehow we're randomly getting tiles without the correct dimensions
            elif np.isin(tile[7,:,:], [352, 368, 392, 416, 432, 480, 840, 864, 880, 904, 928, 944, 1352]).any() == True:
                # make sure pixel doesn't contain clouds
                # this is probably pretty inefficient but only checking width x height for each tile
                # read more here:
                #print('Found some cloud.')
                # taking off the QA band
                tile = tile[0:7]
                # reshape from raster format to image format and standardize according to image wide stats
                reshaped_tile = (reshape_as_image(tile)  - 982.5) / 1076.5

                ### get label data
                # find gps of that pixel within the image
                (x, y) = l8_image_datasets[dataset_index].xy(r, c)

                # convert the point we're sampling from to the same projection as the label dataset if necessary
                if l8_proj != label_proj:
                    x,y = transform(l8_proj,label_proj,x,y)

                # reference gps in label_image
                row, col = label_dataset.index(x,y)

                # find label
                # label image could be huge so we need this to just get a single position
                window = ((row, row+1), (col, col+1))
                data = merge_classes(, window=window, masked=False, boundless=True))
                label = data[0,0]
                # if this label is part of the unclassified area then ignore
                if label == 0 or np.isnan(label).any() == True:
                    # add label to the batch in a one hot encoding style
                    label_batch[b][label] = 1
                    image_batch[b] = reshaped_tile
                    b += 1
        yield (image_batch, label_batch)

Next a function to build a more visually appealing confusion matrix than the default one.

In [4]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels

def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes, class_dict,
    This function prints and plots the confusion matrix.
    Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.
    if not title:
        if normalize:
            title = 'Normalized confusion matrix'
            title = 'Confusion matrix, without normalization'

    # Compute confusion matrix
    cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
    # Only use the labels that appear in the data
    classes = classes[unique_labels(y_true, y_pred)]
    # convert class_id to class_name using the class_dict
    cover_names = []
    for cover_class in classes:
    if normalize:
        cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
    im = ax.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
    ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
    # We want to show all ticks...
           # ... and label them with the respective list entries
           xticklabels=cover_names, yticklabels=cover_names,
           ylabel='True label',
           xlabel='Predicted label')

    # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment.
    plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right",

    # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations.
    fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
    thresh = cm.max() / 2.
    for i in range(cm.shape[0]):
        for j in range(cm.shape[1]):
            ax.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt),
                    ha="center", va="center",
                    color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")
    return ax

Finally a function to merge the NLCD classes into a more manageable subset.

In [5]:
def merge_classes(y):
    # reclassify 255 to 0
    y[y == 255] = 0
    # medium intensity and high intensity
    y[y == 3] = 2
    # low intensity and high intensity
    y[y == 4] = 2

    # open space developed, cultivated land, and pasture hay
    y[y == 5] = 6
    y[y == 7] = 6

    # decidious and mixed
    y[y == 9] = 11
    # evergreen to mixed
    y[y == 10] = 11
    # shrub and mixed
    y[y == 12] = 11
    # wetland forest to mixed
    y[y == 13] = 11
    # pal wetland and pal scrub shrub
    y[y == 14] = 18
    y[y == 15] = 18
    y[y == 16] = 18
    y[y == 17] = 18
    # pal bed to water
    y[y == 22] = 21
    # unconsol shore to water
    y[y == 19] = 21

Dictionary of all classes and class IDs

In [6]:
class_names = dict((
(0,  'Background'),
(1, 'Unclassified'),
(2, 'High Intensity Developed'),
(3, 'Medium Intensity Developed'),
(4, 'Low Intensity Developed'),
(5, 'Open Space Developed'),
(6, 'Cultivated Land'),
(7, 'Pasture/Hay'),
(8, 'Grassland'),
(9, 'Deciduous Forest'),
(10, 'Evergreen Forest'),
(11, 'Mixed Forest'),
(12, 'Scrub/Shrub'),
(13, 'Palustrine Forested Wetland'),
(14, 'Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland'),
(15, 'Palustrine Emergent Wetland'),
(16, 'Estuarine Forested Wetland'),
(17, 'Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland'),
(18, 'Estuarine Emergent Wetland'),
(19, 'Unconsolidated Shore'),
(20, 'Bare Land'),
(21, 'Water'),
(22, 'Palustrine Aquatic Bed'),
(23, 'Estuarine Aquatic Bed'),
(24, 'Tundra'),
(25, 'Snow/Ice')

With that out of the way let's get started!

Inspect the landsat data:

In [7]:
import rasterio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Open our raster dataset
landsat_dataset ='../data/landsat_image.tif')

# How many bands does this image have?
num_bands = landsat_dataset.count
print('Number of bands in image: {n}\n'.format(n=num_bands))

# How many rows and columns?
rows, cols = landsat_dataset.shape
print('Image size is: {r} rows x {c} columns\n'.format(r=rows, c=cols))

# What driver was used to open the raster?
driver = landsat_dataset.driver
print('Raster driver: {d}\n'.format(d=driver))

# What is the raster's projection?
proj =
print('Image projection:')
Number of bands in image: 8

Image size is: 4475 rows x 1481 columns

Raster driver: GTiff

Image projection:
PROJCS["WGS_1984_Albers",GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378140,298.2569999999957,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]],PROJECTION["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",29.5],PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",45.5],PARAMETER["latitude_of_center",23],PARAMETER["longitude_of_center",-96],PARAMETER["false_easting",0],PARAMETER["false_northing",0],UNIT["metre",1,AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]

Open up the dataset and read it into memory:

In [8]:
landsat_image =
(8, 4475, 1481)

Let's calculate NDVI:

In [9]:
bandNIR = landsat_image[4, :, :]
bandRed = landsat_image[3, :, :]

ndvi = np.clip((bandNIR.astype(float) - bandRed.astype(float)) / (bandNIR.astype(float) + bandRed.astype(float)), -1,1)
In [10]:
print('\nMax NDVI: {m}'.format(m=ndvi.max()))
print('Mean NDVI: {m}'.format(m=ndvi.mean()))
print('Median NDVI: {m}'.format(m=np.median(ndvi)))
print('Min NDVI: {m}'.format(m=ndvi.min()))
Max NDVI: 1.0
Mean NDVI: -0.11445379226750008
Median NDVI: -0.1590909090909091
Min NDVI: -1.0
In [11]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots()

# We can set the number of bins with the `bins` kwarg
axs.hist(ndvi.flatten(), bins=50)

NDVI looks normal, let's check out the whole image histogram:

In [12]:
rasterio.plot.show_hist([1,2,3,4,5,6,7]), bins=50, histtype='stepfilled', lw=0.0, stacked=False, alpha=0.3)

Now we'll visualize the landsat image and NDVI side by side:

In [13]:
from rasterio.plot import adjust_band
from rasterio.plot import reshape_as_raster, reshape_as_image
from rasterio.plot import show

# pull out the bands we want to visualize
index = np.array([3, 2, 1])
colors = landsat_image[index, :, :].astype(np.float64)

# we'll use the values to stretch the landsat image based on the above histogram
max_val = 2500
min_val = 0

# enforce maximum and minimum values
colors[colors[:, :, :] > max_val] = max_val
colors[colors[:, :, :] < min_val] = min_val

for b in range(colors.shape[0]):
    colors[b, :, :] = colors[b, :, :] * 1 / (max_val - min_val)

# rasters are in the format [bands, rows, cols] whereas images are typically [rows, cols, bands]
# and so our array needs to be reshaped
colors_reshaped = reshape_as_image(colors)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 15)) 

# Show the color image
axs[0].set_title('Color Image')

# Show NDVI
axs[1].imshow(ndvi, cmap='RdYlGn')
(3, 4475, 1481)
(4475, 1481, 3)

Now let's check out the quality band

In [14]:
qa_band = landsat_image[7, :, :]
qa_band[qa_band == -9999] = 0


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,15))
ax.imshow(qa_band, cmap='gray')
[  0   1 322 324 328 352 386 388 392 416 480]
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ffb1a116eb8>

Read in the training labels image

In [15]:
labels_dataset ='../data/labels_image.tif')
# we're merging here just to limit the number of classes we're working with
labels_image = merge_classes(
(1, 4476, 1482)

How many pixels are there of each class?

In [16]:
unique, counts = np.unique(labels_image, return_counts=True)
list(zip(unique, counts))
[(0, 2189505),
 (2, 53319),
 (6, 15131),
 (8, 6340),
 (11, 233678),
 (18, 272903),
 (20, 40077),
 (21, 3822479)]

Let's view the training labels:

In [17]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# we then use these objects to draw-on and manipulate our plot
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ffb39cd5320>

Now with a more logical color map:

In [18]:
# next setup a colormap for our map
colors = dict((
(0, (245,245,245, 255)), # Background
(1, (0,0,0)), # Unclassified (Cloud, Shadow, etc)
(2, (255,0,0)), # High Intensity Developed
(3, (255, 110, 51)), # Medium Intensity Developed
(4, (255, 162, 51)), # Low Intensity Developed
(5, (255, 162, 51)), # Open Space Developed
(6, (162, 89, 0)), # Cultivated Land
(7, (229, 221, 50)), # Pasture/Hay
(8, (185, 251, 96)), # Grassland
(9, (83, 144, 0)), # Deciduous Forest
(10, (13, 118, 0  )), # Evergreen Forest
(11, (62, 178, 49)), # Mixed Forest
(12, (100, 241, 125)), # Scrub/Shrub
(13, (68, 160, 85)), # Palustrine Forested Wetland
(14, (118, 192, 131)), # Palustrine Scrub/Shrub Wetland
(15, (188, 0, 211)), # Palustrine Emergent Wetland
(16, (188, 0, 211)), # Estuarine Forested Wetland
(17, (0, 0, 0)), # Estuarine Scrub/Shrub Wetland
(18, (172, 0, 191)), # Estuarine Emergent Wetland
(19, (159, 251, 255)), # Unconsolidated Shore 
(20, (172, 177, 68)), # Bare Land
(21, (29, 0, 189)), # Water
(22, (40, 40, 40)), # Pal Bed

n = int(np.max(labels_image)) + 1

# Put 0 - 255 as float 0 - 1
for k in colors:
    v = colors[k]
    _v = [_v / 255.0 for _v in v]
    colors[k] = _v
index_colors = [colors[key] for key in range(0, n)]

cmap = plt.matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(index_colors, 'Classification', n)

# Now show the class map next to the RGB image

fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))

axs.imshow(labels_image[0,:, :], cmap=cmap, interpolation='none')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ffb744b4390>

Generate a set of random class balanced pixel locations:

In [19]:
train_pixels = gen_balanced_pixel_locations([landsat_dataset], train_count=8000, 
                                            label_dataset=labels_dataset, merge=True)
100%|██████████| 1/1 [01:28<00:00, 88.34s/it]

This code takes a while to run and isn't necessary to run the CNN, But it is good practice to ensure you have a balanced and correct dataset. It also is a nice sanity check to map out the actual location of the pixels.

In [20]:
landsat_datasets = [landsat_dataset]
# generate the training and validation pixel locations
all_labels = []
label_locations = []
for pixel in train_pixels:
    # row, col location in landsat
    r,c = pixel[0]
    ds_index = pixel[1]
    l8_proj = Proj(landsat_datasets[ds_index].crs)
    label_proj = Proj(
    # geographic location in landsat
    x,y = landsat_datasets[ds_index].xy(r,c)
    # go from label projection into landsat projection
    x,y = transform(l8_proj, label_proj ,x,y)
    # get row and col location in label
    r,c = labels_dataset.index(x,y)
    # format (bands, height, width)
    window = ((r, r+1), (c, c+1))
    data = merge_classes(, window=window, masked=False, boundless=True))
label_locations = np.array(label_locations)

unique, counts = np.unique(np.array(all_labels), return_counts=True)
dict(zip(unique, counts))
{0: 1000, 2: 1000, 6: 1000, 8: 1000, 11: 1000, 18: 1000, 20: 1000, 21: 1000}

Visualize the location of those pixels on the label image:

In [21]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[15,15])

ax.imshow(labels_image[0,:, :], cmap=cmap, interpolation='none')

plt.scatter(label_locations[:, 1], label_locations[:, 0], c='r')
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7ffb19e49d68>

Note that there are lots of pixels generated in areas that don't actually have data. We'll filter that out in the data generator.

Test out the generator:

Print out some image and label batches and check out their shapes.

In [22]:
im_batch = None

count = 0
for (im, label) in tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, 128, 128, train_pixels, 10):
    if count > 3:
    count += 1
    im_batch = im
(10, 128, 128, 7)
(10, 26)
(10, 128, 128, 7)
(10, 26)
(10, 128, 128, 7)
(10, 26)
(10, 128, 128, 7)
(10, 26)

Now let's visualize the actual tiles. Note they'll look unnatural because they have been normalized.

In [23]:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(18, 10)) 

Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).

Explore the data:

Generate training dataset of 1x1 tiles for scikit-learn to visualize data

In [24]:
im_batch = None
label_batch = None

sample_size = 500

count = 0
for (im, label) in tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, 1, 1, train_pixels, sample_size):
    if count > 0:
    print('Batch Shape')
    print('Label Shape')
    count += 1
    im_batch = im
    label_batch = label
Batch Shape
(500, 1, 1, 7)
Label Shape
(500, 26)

Reshape because scikit-learn needs daya in (samples, bands) format:

In [25]:
array([[[0.01625639, 0.18067812, 0.54946586, 0.74547144, 1.83232699,
         2.56247097, 2.05434278]]])
In [26]:
im_batch_reshaped = im_batch.reshape(sample_size,7)
array([0.01625639, 0.18067812, 0.54946586, 0.74547144, 1.83232699,
       2.56247097, 2.05434278])

Visualize Spectral Signatures

In [27]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=[10,10])

# numbers 1-8
band_count = np.arange(1,8)

y = np.argmax(label_batch, axis=1)
X = im_batch_reshaped

classes = np.unique(y)
for class_type in classes:
    band_intensity = np.mean(X[y==class_type, :], axis=0)
    ax.plot(band_count, band_intensity, label=class_names[class_type])
# plot them as lines

# Add some axis labels
ax.set_xlabel('Band #')
ax.set_ylabel('Reflectance Value')
# Add a title
ax.set_title('Band Intensities Full Overview')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffb19ab07f0>

Run Principle Components Analysis to visualize points

In [28]:
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

pca = PCA(n_components=3)
pca_result = pca.fit_transform(im_batch_reshaped)

print('Explained variation per principal component: {}'.format(pca.explained_variance_ratio_))

df = pd.DataFrame({'pca-one':pca_result[:,0],'pca-two':pca_result[:,1],'pca-three':pca_result[:,2], 'y' : np.argmax(label_batch, axis=1)})
Explained variation per principal component: [0.78979938 0.17809147 0.02795754]
In [29]:
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(16,10)).gca(projection='3d')

Run T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) to visualize points

In [30]:
from time import time
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

time_start = time()
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, perplexity=100, n_iter=1000)
tsne_results = tsne.fit_transform(im_batch_reshaped)
print('t-SNE done! Time elapsed: {} seconds'.format(time()-time_start))
[t-SNE] Computing 301 nearest neighbors...
[t-SNE] Indexed 500 samples in 0.000s...
[t-SNE] Computed neighbors for 500 samples in 0.012s...
[t-SNE] Computed conditional probabilities for sample 500 / 500
[t-SNE] Mean sigma: 0.624856
[t-SNE] KL divergence after 250 iterations with early exaggeration: 49.068073
[t-SNE] KL divergence after 800 iterations: 0.177781
t-SNE done! Time elapsed: 2.111790895462036 seconds
In [31]:
df_subset = df.copy()
df_subset['tsne-2d-one'] = tsne_results[:,0]
df_subset['tsne-2d-two'] = tsne_results[:,1]
In [32]:
    x="tsne-2d-one", y="tsne-2d-two",
    palette=sns.color_palette("hls", len(np.unique(np.argmax(label_batch, axis=1)))),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffaec3f37b8>

Generate training dataset of 1x1 tiles for scikit-learn to use in Random Forest and KNN

In [33]:
im_batch = None
label_batch = None

sample_size = 2000
train_count = 1500
val_count = 500

count = 0
for (im, label) in tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, 1, 1, train_pixels, sample_size):
    if count > 0:
    print('Batch Shape')
    print('Label Shape')
    count += 1
    im_batch = im
    label_batch = label

im_batch_reshaped = im_batch.reshape(sample_size,7)

X_train = im_batch_reshaped[:train_count]
X_val = im_batch_reshaped[train_count:]
y_train = np.argmax(label_batch, axis=1)[:train_count]
y_val = np.argmax(label_batch, axis=1)[train_count:]
Batch Shape
(2000, 1, 1, 7)
Label Shape
(2000, 26)

Run K Nearest Neighbors

In [34]:
from sklearn import neighbors, datasets

n_neighbors = 50

clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors, weights='distance'), y_train)

clf.score(X_val, y_val)
In [35]:
pred_index = clf.predict(X_val)

# Plot non-normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(y_val, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),

# Plot normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(y_val, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffaecdc0c50>

Run Random Forest

In [36]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Initialize our model with 500 trees
rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=500, oob_score=True)

# Fit our model to training data
rf =, y_train)

print('Our OOB prediction of accuracy is: {oob}%'.format(oob=rf.oob_score_ * 100))

print(rf.score(X_val, y_val))
Our OOB prediction of accuracy is: 58.666666666666664%
In [37]:
pred_index = rf.predict(X_val)

# Plot non-normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(y_val, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),

# Plot normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(y_val, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffaf7953ef0>

These models aren't terrible but they do mis-classify a good deal of the grassland, cultivated land, and developed land. Let's see if we can improve it!

Building the actual neural network model

Import all the necessary keras packages

In [38]:
import keras
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Flatten
from keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D
from keras.layers import Activation, BatchNormalization
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
Using TensorFlow backend.

Set the hyperparameters

In [39]:
batch_size = 25
epochs = 25
num_classes = len(class_names)

# input image dimensions
tile_side = 32
img_rows, img_cols = tile_side, tile_side
img_bands = landsat_datasets[0].count- 1

input_shape = (img_rows, img_cols, img_bands)
(32, 32, 7)

Create the CNN architecture:

In [40]:
model = Sequential()

model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', input_shape=input_shape))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='same'))

model.add(Conv2D(64, (3, 3), padding='same'))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

model.add(Conv2D(128, (3, 3), padding='same'))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

model.add(Conv2D(256, (3, 3), padding='same'))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))




WARNING: Logging before flag parsing goes to stderr.
W0627 22:16:19.156059 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.get_default_graph is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph instead.

W0627 22:16:19.168799 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.placeholder is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.placeholder instead.

W0627 22:16:19.171540 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.random_uniform is deprecated. Please use tf.random.uniform instead.

W0627 22:16:19.215357 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.get_default_session is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.get_default_session instead.

W0627 22:16:19.216665 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.ConfigProto is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto instead.

W0627 22:16:19.266956 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.nn.fused_batch_norm is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.nn.fused_batch_norm instead.

W0627 22:16:19.318253 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ The name tf.nn.max_pool is deprecated. Please use tf.nn.max_pool2d instead.

W0627 22:16:19.698356 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/ calling dropout (from tensorflow.python.ops.nn_ops) with keep_prob is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Please use `rate` instead of `keep_prob`. Rate should be set to `rate = 1 - keep_prob`.
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
conv2d_1 (Conv2D)            (None, 32, 32, 32)        2048      
batch_normalization_1 (Batch (None, 32, 32, 32)        128       
activation_1 (Activation)    (None, 32, 32, 32)        0         
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2 (None, 16, 16, 32)        0         
conv2d_2 (Conv2D)            (None, 16, 16, 64)        18496     
batch_normalization_2 (Batch (None, 16, 16, 64)        256       
activation_2 (Activation)    (None, 16, 16, 64)        0         
conv2d_3 (Conv2D)            (None, 16, 16, 64)        36928     
batch_normalization_3 (Batch (None, 16, 16, 64)        256       
activation_3 (Activation)    (None, 16, 16, 64)        0         
max_pooling2d_2 (MaxPooling2 (None, 8, 8, 64)          0         
conv2d_4 (Conv2D)            (None, 8, 8, 128)         73856     
batch_normalization_4 (Batch (None, 8, 8, 128)         512       
activation_4 (Activation)    (None, 8, 8, 128)         0         
max_pooling2d_3 (MaxPooling2 (None, 4, 4, 128)         0         
conv2d_5 (Conv2D)            (None, 4, 4, 256)         295168    
batch_normalization_5 (Batch (None, 4, 4, 256)         1024      
activation_5 (Activation)    (None, 4, 4, 256)         0         
max_pooling2d_4 (MaxPooling2 (None, 2, 2, 256)         0         
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 2, 2, 256)         0         
flatten_1 (Flatten)          (None, 1024)              0         
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 128)               131200    
batch_normalization_6 (Batch (None, 128)               512       
activation_6 (Activation)    (None, 128)               0         
dropout_2 (Dropout)          (None, 128)               0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 128)               16512     
batch_normalization_7 (Batch (None, 128)               512       
activation_7 (Activation)    (None, 128)               0         
dropout_3 (Dropout)          (None, 128)               0         
dense_3 (Dense)              (None, 26)                3354      
activation_8 (Activation)    (None, 26)                0         
Total params: 580,762
Trainable params: 579,162
Non-trainable params: 1,600

Divide data into training and validation:

In [41]:
train_to_val_ratio = 0.8
train_px = train_pixels[:int(len(train_pixels)*train_to_val_ratio)]
val_px = train_pixels[int(len(train_pixels)*train_to_val_ratio):]
print("Train:", len(train_px), "\nVal:", len(val_px))
Train: 6400 
Val: 1600

Decide on the optimizier and compile the model:

In [42]:
sgd = keras.optimizers.SGD(lr=0.0001, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)

model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=metrics)
W0627 22:16:19.927532 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/ The name tf.train.Optimizer is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.train.Optimizer instead.

Learn the model:


Image from the excellent Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet

In [43]:
history = model.fit_generator(generator=tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, tile_side, tile_side, train_px, batch_size, merge=True), 
                    steps_per_epoch=len(train_px) // batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=1,
                    validation_data=tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, tile_side, tile_side, val_px, batch_size, merge=True),
                    validation_steps=len(val_px) // batch_size)

plt.title('Model Accuracy')
plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)')
plt.legend(['Train', 'Test'], loc='upper left')
W0627 22:16:20.019318 140718221567744] From /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ add_dispatch_support.<locals>.wrapper (from tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use tf.where in 2.0, which has the same broadcast rule as np.where
Epoch 1/25
256/256 [==============================] - 23s 90ms/step - loss: 2.6154 - acc: 0.3056 - val_loss: 1.7839 - val_acc: 0.5806
Epoch 2/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 88ms/step - loss: 1.7736 - acc: 0.5355 - val_loss: 1.3813 - val_acc: 0.6356
Epoch 3/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 88ms/step - loss: 1.4736 - acc: 0.5833 - val_loss: 1.2598 - val_acc: 0.6300
Epoch 4/25
256/256 [==============================] - 23s 89ms/step - loss: 1.3163 - acc: 0.6042 - val_loss: 1.1345 - val_acc: 0.6456
Epoch 5/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 87ms/step - loss: 1.2269 - acc: 0.6211 - val_loss: 1.0658 - val_acc: 0.6694
Epoch 6/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 87ms/step - loss: 1.1496 - acc: 0.6347 - val_loss: 1.0324 - val_acc: 0.6544
Epoch 7/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 84ms/step - loss: 1.0852 - acc: 0.6439 - val_loss: 0.9785 - val_acc: 0.6731
Epoch 8/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 84ms/step - loss: 1.0611 - acc: 0.6489 - val_loss: 0.9841 - val_acc: 0.6637
Epoch 9/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 83ms/step - loss: 1.0212 - acc: 0.6539 - val_loss: 0.9560 - val_acc: 0.6756
Epoch 10/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 84ms/step - loss: 0.9933 - acc: 0.6539 - val_loss: 0.9271 - val_acc: 0.6788
Epoch 11/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 86ms/step - loss: 0.9614 - acc: 0.6764 - val_loss: 0.9338 - val_acc: 0.6719
Epoch 12/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 84ms/step - loss: 0.9514 - acc: 0.6750 - val_loss: 0.8980 - val_acc: 0.6794
Epoch 13/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 84ms/step - loss: 0.9251 - acc: 0.6759 - val_loss: 0.8870 - val_acc: 0.6819
Epoch 14/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 85ms/step - loss: 0.9019 - acc: 0.6902 - val_loss: 0.8845 - val_acc: 0.6788
Epoch 15/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 85ms/step - loss: 0.8772 - acc: 0.6938 - val_loss: 0.8932 - val_acc: 0.6913
Epoch 16/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 84ms/step - loss: 0.8736 - acc: 0.6938 - val_loss: 0.8567 - val_acc: 0.6825
Epoch 17/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 85ms/step - loss: 0.8450 - acc: 0.7045 - val_loss: 0.8529 - val_acc: 0.6881
Epoch 18/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 85ms/step - loss: 0.8324 - acc: 0.7098 - val_loss: 0.8417 - val_acc: 0.7019
Epoch 19/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 83ms/step - loss: 0.8225 - acc: 0.7069 - val_loss: 0.8559 - val_acc: 0.6888
Epoch 20/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 84ms/step - loss: 0.8100 - acc: 0.7134 - val_loss: 0.8282 - val_acc: 0.6994
Epoch 21/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 84ms/step - loss: 0.7840 - acc: 0.7230 - val_loss: 0.8511 - val_acc: 0.6875
Epoch 22/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 85ms/step - loss: 0.7627 - acc: 0.7302 - val_loss: 0.8453 - val_acc: 0.6925
Epoch 23/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 85ms/step - loss: 0.7577 - acc: 0.7292 - val_loss: 0.8416 - val_acc: 0.6863
Epoch 24/25
256/256 [==============================] - 21s 84ms/step - loss: 0.7524 - acc: 0.7311 - val_loss: 0.8025 - val_acc: 0.7000
Epoch 25/25
256/256 [==============================] - 22s 84ms/step - loss: 0.7313 - acc: 0.7373 - val_loss: 0.8217 - val_acc: 0.6950
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ffaf7dfaf98>

Hopefully we found our way down here:


Image from:

Check out accuracy based on a confusion matrix:

In [44]:
predictions = model.predict_generator(generator=tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, tile_side, tile_side, val_px, batch_size, merge=True), 
                        steps=len(val_px) // batch_size,

eval_generator = tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, tile_side, tile_side, val_px, batch_size=1, merge=True)

labels = np.empty(predictions.shape)
count = 0
while count < len(labels):
    image_b, label_b = next(eval_generator)
    labels[count] = label_b
    count += 1
label_index = np.argmax(labels, axis=1)     
pred_index = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)


# Plot non-normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(label_index, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),

# Plot normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(label_index, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),
64/64 [==============================] - 4s 56ms/step
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffaec9b41d0>

How well does the model predict on the training data?

In [45]:
predictions = model.predict_generator(generator=tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, tile_side, tile_side, train_px, batch_size, merge=True), 
                        steps=len(train_px) // batch_size,

eval_generator = tile_generator(landsat_datasets, labels_dataset, tile_side, tile_side, train_px, batch_size=1, merge=True)

labels = np.empty(predictions.shape)
count = 0
while count < len(labels):
    image_b, label_b = next(eval_generator)
    labels[count] = label_b
    count += 1
label_index = np.argmax(labels, axis=1)     
pred_index = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)


# Plot non-normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(label_index, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),

# Plot normalized confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(label_index, pred_index, classes=np.array(list(class_names)),
256/256 [==============================] - 14s 54ms/step
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ffaedb57ba8>


We've now played with a number of data exploration techniques and seen how we can use keras to build a deep neural network for effective landcover classification. No small feat!

In the next chapter (link to webpage or Notebook) we'll explore how we can use Google Earth Engine to process and download imagery for time series analysis.

In [ ]: