Patrick Gray (patrick.c.gray at duke) -

Adapted from


Tutorial of basic remote sensing and GIS methodologies using the open source python geospatial ecosystem


  1. Exploring the rasterio package for image analysis
  2. Your first remote sensing vegetation index
  3. Plotting and visualizing your data with matplotlib
  4. Importing and using vector data
  5. Classification of land cover
  6. The spatial dimension - filters and segmentation

A Modern Geospatial Workflow in Python

What kind of python libraries make up a modern geospatial workflow? This is just a sample of what we consider to be the basic building blocks and what will be covered here:

Why Python?

Other resources

There are many resources for doing remote sensing and GIS with Python on the web, but here are some of the better ones:

Note on Python 2 vs Python 3

This tutorial will try to target Python 3.5 and greater. To ensure you're using a compatible version of Python, you can run the following:

at the command line.

Python 3 has many great new features (more informative stack traces, better unicode handling, asyncio, matrix algebra notation using @, and more) and is the future of the language. Unfortunately, some scientific packages (QGIS, for example) have not yet completed the transition away from Python 2. Unless you have good reason to use Python 2 (like if you're writing a QGIS plugin in Python), the general concensus is to recommend using Python 3.

The next chapter (link to webpage or Notebook) introduces us to some basic scientific computing and raster management.